25 December 2010

Christmas 2010

From Passover 2010 to Christmas before I updated my blogiary. I don't know why it is so hard for me to keep up with my feelings online, but I do keep a diary using a pen and paper and it is far more personal. Let me update you quickly from Passover:

Pesach was at the beginning of April so I have to catch you up quick: April - Passover and you have the story and the rest of the month was all about work. Tax day fell in there too and it annoyed me as usual, but what can you do. The old adage about death and taxes is true.

May was a lot of work too (looking at my calendar there was a lot of work through the entire year!), but there was nothing particularly special in May.

June was wonderful because it was the start of summer! I like summer. I also began working out of physical therapy and much more in the gym with a trainer. I started out by weighing about 185-190 (depends on the day, odd huh) and today I weight about 165-170 (depends on the day). Going to the gym became therapy for me and being alone was less lonely. The funny thing about getting used to being alone is that I don't really get used to it. Every day is a new day and with it I get to experience a broad range of emotions.

July! I love July too - not the least of which is because of long weekends and lazy days of summer. Had a few holidays in there and I went to Israel for just a few days. I forgot to mention the same thing for Passover that I spent there. It was fantastic, but Israel always is.

August. What can you say about August except that it is a month of extremes. The beginning of August has us deep into summer and the end of it has us becoming ready for fall. Labor Day was just around the corner and it was pretty fantastic because with fall comes Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. I know it is odd, but those are my favorite days of the year. Not the gift giving or birthday celebrations. But the ability to start anew.

September! I could do a whole post on this, but I won't. Next trip overseas I will. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur were early this year (hence Chanukah being so early this year too and Christmas being just another day for Jews around the world). Left for London first and was able to meet a friend there and then allow him to go on with me to Israel. Stayed at the May Fair and it was as good as it usually is, but they've lost something. But it was only a few days there and a few days back so it was fine. Then off to Israel where the Dan Tel Aviv is my home away from home. I love it. If you ever go to Israel and want to spend some time in Tel Aviv, I think the Dan is what you should try. I fell in love with it MANY years ago (too many to actually say out loud), but it was a great base. Spent Yom Kippur at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem so that I could be near the Kotel for Yom Kippur. My friend who traveled with me did not appreciate some of the traditions that we don't share, but I went with him to the Christian sites while he went with me to experience Yom Kippur there. On the way back was the May Fair again and maybe I will make a bigger post on this trip because it is worthy of it. OH! I almost forgot Homocon in NYC too. Was able to catch up with friends and attend a wonderful little gathering of gays (a gaggle of gays if you will) with Ann Coulter as the guest of honor. I was one of the sponsors of the event and was pretty happy to do it.

October was blah. There is nothing particularly special about October is there? If I could I would rid myself of October and just end the year early - or add the days on to February. I'd be okay with that - maybe we need the Pope to weigh in on this? The Pope approved the last calendar (not including the one done by the French after their little Revolution), but since then it was all about the Pope's approval. I'd like to see people have a fit if the Pope got to approve a new calendar. I think the treaty is still in place that gives the calendar Papal authority - would be fun.

November. I was looking forward to November 2nd because of the election and I was not disappointed. The GOP gained seats in the Senate and we are only weeks away, today, from the GOP once again sitting behind the President during the State of the Union (those are such boring speeches). I know I will cover it for KOGO and love doing it, but election night was so much more exciting. I posted the pictures on my Facebook page - by the way - Facebook has a few pages that are related to me. Mine is www.facebook.com/steveyuhas2 (why 2 you ask? Because someone else has regular old Steve Yuhas and there are fan pages out there that are not done by me and I have no idea why they are there) - so if you want to be a friend on Facebook - go to my actual page and I'll let you sign on. I seek out a lot of interesting people and will debate anyone on anything. November also brought the 4th of November. The date will mean nothing to you, but for me it meant the day that I began talking to someone special. Whatever happens in life, the person I began talking to is very special and I can only hope...

And here we are at December and Christmas. First came Chanukah at the beginning of the month and then came Christmas. I'm very much aware that Christmas is an amazing holiday and for eight years I shared it with my Catholic boyfriend. That part of my life is done. No more Christmas unless I decide to change Levi & Shlomo's names (the pugs) to Larry and Shane and end up with Christian pugs instead of Jewish ones. I don't see that happening.

Next up is the thing I hate the most. NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS. Most years I don't live up to them. For those that do not know, here are my resolutions from last year: (1) lose 10 pounds by 3 Mar 10 (2) be a better friend and not let people down (3) be a better brother, uncle and son and (4) BE THRIFTY! I was successful on #1, but not by March. I was good on #2 I think, but not on 3. I don't know why I cannot be a better brother, son, and uncle. I try, I do. I just can't get it right. Looks like a do-over. As for #4, I was not as thrifty as I could have been, but I was ready for more thrift and will do better next year.

Wow. I did a year in a page. I'm pretty happy with this. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas this year and that you have a spectacular start to the new calendar year coming up. You will. Think positive thoughts and be nice to each other. That's what I'm going to do and who knows, maybe next year I will have a Christmas tree.